By Kei/Crn
The WORD is an e-Zine for anyone. NFA set out with the goal of
producing an internal disk magazine for themselves but after their
contacts started getting their say on it's contents, by issue 5 it was a
regular PD release.
Carnage got involved through my friendship with Dick (aka Freak). We
were planning our own diskmag "SMU" (working title) but we ended up
helping out on The WORD and now we are doing it!
Carnage are a group of computer enthusiasts who own quite a few makes of
computer but we each cut our teeth on the Amiga scene and we consider it
our home. We are not an "elite" demo/trader group but we consider
ourselves to be "part" of the UK Amiga scene. We get together more than
the average scene group even though we live far apart from each other.
We call these get-togethers "Gathering's" and so far there have been 9
over the last 3 years. We use these few days to discuss Carnage, the
Amiga scene, Carnage releases and what to do next. A major current
topic is "The WORD" and how we can improve it.
There are loads of glossy disk magazines out there that take so much
effort that they barely survive past issue 2. We in Carnage don't want
that to happen to The WORD so we aim to keep it going as long as we
receive your support. In return for your precious support we pledge to
maintain and update the WORD engine, edit articles, provide great music
modules and imagery.
So you know where WE are coming from. Here's what we need from you:
The WORD is divided into sections. I suppose this makes it easier for
us to clarify which section a particular article should fall under. You
don't have to write an article to suit us though. We want you to write
whatever YOU are interested in writing about. I find that the best
articles are by those who are really interested in the subject they are
writing about.
Don't feel like you have to churn out a stack of articles though. If
we get too many good articles and we lack the space to include them all
then we'll include them in the next issue. We are happy if we receive
one article from a reader that straight away, you can tell they have
thought about what they are writing.
I write a lot, I have to for university. What I tend to do though is I
keep a piece of paper next to my monitor and when I suddenly think of a
good topic for an article, I pencil a rough article header and synopsis
down on the piece of paper. That way when I do sit down in front of my
computer and start to type.. I have a clear idea of what I want to say.
We will readily admit that our readership is male. This is not because
of the content of this diskmag but due to the amount of ladies that use
an Amiga. Although I chat via computer to many a female computer user
everyday (IRC), they all own PC's and have no idea what a "scene" is.
Therefore The WORD will come across to the average user as a male
What can you write about? Well articles like "My name is Jeremy and
I'd like to tell you about my first sexual experience.." is not top of
our list, besides, Dave Diamond has cornered the market!
The Amiga scene is in a lull at present but we at Carnage and you, the
reader are still here with an underated piece of kit in front of us, so
let's use it!
The computer scene is changing every day so articles on new technology
and life in general are ok. We will include any news on the scene.
This includes software reviews, group news, parties, rumours and general
info. Just as long as they have not already been aired in another
magazine already.
UFO conspiracies and the paranomal are also popular topics, as is
bizzare stories and the adult section. Reviews of films and music are
also appreciated. Internet topics are also accepted. Start a topic
thread on anything from surfing the net, hacking, satellite TV, people,
places, nostalgia, football, cyberpunk, books or hamsters.
Whatever you want to talk about is ok with us. Although we do reserve
the right to refuse an article on the grounds that it discusess a topic
that we think should not be aired in The WORD. I've only had to do this
once recently for an article submitted for the adult section.
Ideas on how to improve the WORD are greatly received and discussed.
If you think the WORD isn't up to much then tell us why! Don't say
"..because it's coded in AMOS" though. The engine was handed over to us
in this format so we have to work with it. We did consider using our
WIP diskmag engine but we figured such a complete change of interface
might annoy the present readers. If you want us to change the WORD
completly then tell us. Untill we get a huge enough response we will
continue modifying Dick's engine.
Got some contacts you wanna greet? Want your mam to be impressed by
your name being on your Monitor? Or you just wanna update peeps.. Then
write some messy's for the message articles!
Q & A
Got a question for the Word staff? Hard drive won't work, your 1200
won't run certain software or your satellite system can't receive 1D?
Then write in to the Q & A forum and we'll attempt to answer your
question or find someone who can!
We will include any articles sent to us that are by people looking for
new contacts or to sell/buy stuff. Images and texts are ok. You can
advertise your BBS or Web Site as well.
It's raining outside. The chicken burgers are in the microwave and the
pepsi's chilled.. Hit that power switch, surf workbench and let
inspiration flow through your fingers...